Everything in our life must first be tested. Food, medicine, technology, and so much more, cannot be reliable and useful to you unless it has first gone through intense testing. The same is true for faith. Peter not only describes the kind of testing all Christians will endure, but he also describes how we are to live with hope in the face of intense testing. Peter’s message to all of us is, stand firm and hold on during times of testing knowing that Jesus stood in your place and holds on to you.
Who is my neighbor? Is it the stranger I meet at the grocery store or the gas station? What if my neighbor is actually the person who lives next door to me? Perhaps you begin to Heart your Hood by first loving your next-door neighbor.
All Americans live in a culture that values personal freedom but many times that freedom shuts doors that make it difficult to Heart your Hood. The call to Heart your Hood is a high calling that demands that you give up your personal freedom and make yourself a servant to all (1 Corinthians 9:19). While the world is free to spout off their political opinions, their random opinions, and live according to their own desires, the Lord Jesus calls us to a higher standard.
What can transform a neighborhood? Well-manicured lawns? Block parties? Well run Homeowners Association? As we commit to hearting our hood, we must remember that the only thing that can transform a neighborhood is the message and hope of Jesus. It is the Gospel of Jesus alone, under the Spirit alone, that has the power to transform a neighborhood. This message has been entrusted to you.
Before you begin to Heart your Hood, you must understand a basic truth, it does not start with you. If you believe that loving your neighbor means pouring out your heart for your hood, you will quickly be discouraged when you become busy, worn out, and uninterested. Ezekiel 47 teaches us that it is God’s heart that flows through you into your hood.
At Prince of Peace, Worship (Word and Sacrament) is the number one priority, because we do not exist without it. We believe that the Scriptures teach us that Worship is foundational to the life and spiritual health for every disciple of Jesus. Without Worship, we cannot be the community the Lord calls us to be, and we cannot serve to advance the Kingdom without Worship. Join us this Sunday as we join together and declare to one another and the world, “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.”
In 1998, Honduras built a bridge spanning across the Choluteca River. Six months after it was completed, Hurricane Mitch flooded the area and rerouted the Choluteca River so that it no longer flowed under the bridge. The bridge became known as, “The bridge to nowhere.” Have you noticed that it seems like the Church is in decline? Could it be that one of the reasons is because the river has moved, and we haven’t? Join us this Sunday as we discover how the Lord calls us to remove roadblocks and overcome obstacles so that people can encounter the living water found in Jesus Christ.
One of the many benefits of a Christian community gathered around Word and Sacrament is what Luther referred to as, “the mutual conversation and consolation of brothers and sisters” (Matthew 18:19). The spiritual health of a Church is not determined by one charismatic leader, cutting edge technology, modern facilities, and so on. Spiritually healthy Churches are comprised of spiritually healthy people. Join us this Sunday to discover how the Lord is calling you “to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ.”
True friends are hard to find and even harder to keep. We were made to be in relationship with the Lord and with others. Nothing in this world matters more than our relationships. True success is not in the size of one’s bank account but in the depth of their relationships. As we conclude our journey through Proverbs, rejoice in Jesus who calls you “friend” (John 15:15).
he average person speaks 5,000 words every day. Some of those words bring death and others life (18:21). Some words wound and others heal (12:18). Some words should be replaced by action (14:23). Some words should not have been uttered at all (11:12). Our words matter – in conversations and emails and texts and blogs and phone calls and all the rest. Words matter so much that the number one topic of Proverbs 10-31 is, you guessed it, words! The wise know how to use them and how to restrain them (10:19-21). And how does one become wise? Through the living and abiding Word of God.