Parent Connect


At Prince of Peace, we believe parents have an important role in the spiritual life of their child.  God desires for parents to teach their children, of all ages, about Jesus.  As parents, we see this calling as a privilege and a blessing.  As a church, we believe in encouraging, equipping, and resourcing parents to be the faith leaders for their children.  We have opportunities every week for you to connect with other parents in the same season of life, grow in your faith, and feel strengthened to be the faith leaders in your home.

Fall Bible Study

Fall Bible Study

Living as a Christian with Purpose, led by Richard Cockcroft

Sundays, 9:15-10:15, Fellowship Center

September 8- October 27 (8 weeks)

We are called to make a difference by serving God in a world that is increasingly turning away from a Christian worldview. However, a recent Barna Group study found that only 40% of Christians have a clear sense of God’s calling in their lives. We know that discipleship happens when we are involved in ministry to others, this is “missional discipleship”. This Bible Study is to help you better understand the Christian Worldview and how to live with purpose as a Christian in today’s culture. Parent Connect will be joining the congregation for this 8-week study. Parent Connect will resume with PEP (Parents Encouraging Parents) in November.

PEP- Every Sunday

PEP- Every Sunday -will resume in November

Sundays | 9:15-10:15 | Room 305

Parents are invited to Sunday morning PEP (Parents Encouraging Parents).  PEP is a great way to connect with other parents while studying God’s Word, discussing relevant topics, and exploring practical tips to help families follow Jesus.  Contact Mandy Lowe with questions,


Milestones are intentional celebrations in the faith journey your child walks with Jesus Christ.  The Milestones Ministry is designed to support and strengthen families at significant faith milestones in their lives and keep them growing and moving closer to Jesus.



Discussion Guides
Devotionals For Teens

 |The Culture Translator |Podcast: The Culture Translator Round Table | Online Parenting Group- Facebook



Mandy Lowe

Parent Connect & Milestones, DCE

office: 972.982.0552