Since God has given us as a gift and wrapped our gifts in the needs of others, the natural conclusion is that we are to use our gifts together. Not to strut our stuff but to expand the Kingdom of God.
What is your favorite food to have around Christmas? What scent reminds you of Christmas? What if you could experience the Christmas feels more than just a few days of the year? The Lord Jesus does not intend for you to know His presence only during certain times of the year. He intends for you to know His presence and receive His forgiveness, "as often as you eat of this bread and drink of this cup."
What are your Myers-Briggs letters? What number enneagram are you? Are you a lion, otter, golden retriever, or beaver? With so many personality assessments out there, why are we so unsure of our gifts? Perhaps our problem is found in where we are looking. All personality assessments look internally. God invites us to discover our gifts not by looking at ourselves but by looking to the needs of others. That is, our gifts are often wrapped in the needs of others.
Jesus Christ gives in ways the world does not. The world offers peace for a moment, but Jesus gives the gift of peace that lasts for eternity. His peace is greater than your circumstances. His peace meets you in the here and now. His peace promises to never leave you nor forsake you.
Every gift has a back story. The gift giver has a relationship with you and understands your likes and dislikes. They spend time searching for the perfect gift that perfectly fits you. In many ways, the gift you receive says a lot about the relationship the gift giver has with you. As we begin this sermon series, let us begin by first considering the gift giver. The one who knows you deeply. The one who knows what you really need – new life in Him. The gift of new life is given to you by grace, and in another act of pure grace, the Lord turns and gives YOU as a gift to others.
There is an elephant in the room. That elephant, as some have said, is god being described from a blind person’s perspective. That is, many argue that all religions are describing god (the elephant) from their perspective. While this has become a popular way to explain religious differences, there’s only one problem – the real elephant in the room who declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Isn’t the Church just full of hypocrites? Yes, and there’s always room for one more. This saying is true, “The Church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners.”
This question has to be one of the most difficult questions people are asking. Joseph asked it. Job asked it. Even Jesus asked it when He said, “My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me?” Every time we ask this question, the Lord does not answer our question in a way that makes us say, “Oh now I get it.” Rather than finding comfort in answers, our Heavenly Father invites us to find comfort in Him.
The Bible is the bestselling book of all time, and the most criticized book of all time. With all the translations and interpretations, can we really trust the Bible? Since the Bible was written to different people at a different time, does it really apply to us today? Does the Bible CONTAIN the Word of God or is the Bible THE Word of God? Join us for worship as we tackle this question and trust that our faith is not in a book, but in the one whom the Bible reveals – The Word of God who has become flesh.
Most of the questions we have come from our perspective of ourselves, others, and the world. We view reality through different mirrors. We look at the mirrors of Culture and Circumstance and we believe these mirrors reflect the way things really are. As we ask some of life’s big questions, God invites us to see ourselves and all of life through a different mirror – the Cross.