Somewhere in your Faith Story, there was a time when you stood looking into the future wondering, “How will it all work out?” At that moment, you may have not had much to work with. Chances are, you had more than Abraham. Imagine you’re Abraham and Sarah, you’re 80 years old with no children and the Lord tells you that your offspring will be as numerous as the stars. You have no idea how it will happen, but you know one thing – God is faithful to fulfill His promises. What leap of faith does your Faith Story tell?
Christ has the authority of his kingdom, and those he has saved can rest in the security of his promises. Endure earthly trials with the promise of coming redemption.
Consider Gideon’s Faith Story. He was the weakest of the weak. He was afraid. He doubted. Yet God demonstrated His power and promise despite his weakness. In fact, at his greatest moment of weakness, the LORD called him a “mighty man of valor.” How does your Faith Story demonstrate the truth that “when I am weak, then I am strong?” (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Christ supplies to his church the power of the Holy Spirit to resurrect them in their spiritual death and enable them to live faithfully. Do not lose sight of the sustaining source and purpose of your call.
Pain is preparation, but it never feels that way in the moment - it just hurts. As you look back on your Faith Story, consider ways that the Lord was working through you to prepare you for something that you could not have envisioned in the moment. By sharing your Faith Story, how might you be able to encourage others during a painful moment in their life? Like the story of Ruth, we can all see through our Faith Story that God has a plan, and He will accomplish it.
Christ has the knowledge and power to judge the church, calling it to endurance and purity. Root out the “pet sins” in your life and in the life of your community.
In many ways, your story is like a resume. Highlights from your life that have brought you to where you are today. If you were to write your resume today, I bet you would include a list of all your accomplishments. But did you learn more from success or failure? For most of us, failure shapes us and teaches us more and sharing what you’ve learned through failure can be a powerful aspect of your faith story. Therefore, please consider adding your “Failure Resume” to your Faith Story. Like the Apostle Paul, the story of our failures can shine the light on the marvelous grace of God.
Christ is with the church, both to comfort during trials and to correct her unfaithfulness. Our new identity in Christ and the future promise of restoration should motivate present faithfulness.
What is your story? How do you tell your story? Where do you begin? What do you include? What do you leave out? Knowing and telling your story can be hard. Ephesians 2:1-10 is a summary of all our stories. It’s also a structure we can follow to tell our Faith Story. First, we begin with who we were prior to Jesus (2:1-3). Next, we share what God, through Jesus Christ, has done (2:4-9). Finally, we share how we live out our life in Christ in practical ways (2:10). So, what’s your “by grace through faith” story?